Learn the steps for making a professional capital campaign solicitation that we train our committee members to use.
All in Campaign Committee
Learn the steps for making a professional capital campaign solicitation that we train our committee members to use.
CampaignCounsel.org offers a no-fee, no obligation Capital Campaign Workshop. This workshop is conducted at your location or through a virtual meeting for your board members, key volunteers and senior staff. Some organizations have even invited community leaders and major-gift donors to the workshop as a cultivation and education activity.
Every capital campaign is a living process. And like all living processes, a capital campaign can reach a point that requires re-energizing. A campaign is re-energized by adding the right people to your campaign committee.
Capital Campaign Stages and Stalls is a series of articles providing a simple overview of the stages a nonprofit will go through in its capital campaign journey, along with the most common times the process can stall. In Part 3, we explore the Capital Campaign stage and its final three phases: Leadership Phase, Close-Out Phase and Public Phase.
Campaign leaders should be committed to the success of the campaign and have knowledge of the mission of the organization and how that organization serves the community. Ideally, the campaign leader will also make a "leadership" gift.