All in Campaign Management
After a nonprofit completes its pre-campaign audit and planning process, and the organization decides to begin its capital campaign, the next step is to begin preparing campaign materials. These are the education, cultivation and solicitation tools necessary to successfully implement the campaign. Following material preparation comes the time to identify leadership. These are key pieces to organizing a capital campaign.
Like the Iditarod, capital campaigns for multi-use projects cannot be completed, much less won, by anything less than a team that understands and values individual strengths.
We’ve discovered the perfect metaphor for a capital campaign. Ready for it? Rowing a boat on a windy day through rough water. Read on.
How can you handle gifts with less-than-altruistic demands?
Here’s your primer on hiring fundraising counsel. It includes types of fundraising counsel, benefits to fundraising counsel, why paying a fundraiser a percentage is viewed as unethical and may not be in the organization’s best interest, costs associated with professionally directed capital campaigns, and information on how to select the right consultant.
Your capital campaign Case for Support is the benefits-oriented explanation of the fundraising campaign. Learn more about how to create a compelling story for your donors.