Your organization has made a transformative decision to embark on a capital campaign. What comes next? There are five basic stages to plan for if you’d like your capital campaign to be successful.
All in Campaign Management
Your organization has made a transformative decision to embark on a capital campaign. What comes next? There are five basic stages to plan for if you’d like your capital campaign to be successful. client the North Lake County Library Foundation was named Nonprofit of the Year by the Polson Chamber of Commerce and recognized for its Next Chapter Campaign at the chamber’s annual awards banquet Jan. 28, 2023. Learn how members of this all-volunteer organization excelled to become major gift fundraisers.
Prepare for your capital campaign with this informative guide focused on pre-campaign planning steps and capital campaign phases.
What are the catalysts that make some nonprofit capital campaign projects stand out to both philanthropists and award-giving associations? These nonprofits and their outstanding projects show us that it’s both collaboration and vision.
The Missoula Public Library has been named the Public Library of the Year 2022 after a search for the best library in the world by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). is proud to have helped raise the fund to make this dream library a reality.
A good capital campaign consultant understands that it is the client’s willingness to foster and build win-win relationships that drives success, not the consultant’s willingness to share connections. It is through strategizing with your consultant that you will develop a list of donors and prospective donors with true philanthropic interest in your project.